Hepatitis A Prevention

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Thursday, August 8, 2019

Hepatitis A is a highly-contagious viral infection that causes inflammation to the liver. It is contracted by ingesting the virus from the infected person’s stool through contaminated objects, food or drinks. Hepatitis A can cause a mild illness that lasts a few weeks to a severe illness that lasts a few months. Symptoms of Hepatitis A include fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, dark urine, diarrhea, clay-colored stools, joint pain and jaundice.

Those at risk of contracting Hepatitis A include people with direct contact with someone who has it, travelers to countries where it is prevalent, men who have sexual contact with men, people who use injection and non-injection drugs, caregivers of adoptees from countries where the infection is common, people with clotting factor disorders such as hemophilia and people working with primates. The best way to prevent contracting Hepatitis A is to get the Hepatitis A vaccine and practice good hand washing techniques.

The Hepatitis A vaccine is given as two injections. Side effects of the vaccine include soreness at injection site, low-grade fever, fainting, headaches and tiredness. Anyone with an allergy to any of the contents of the vaccine should not get vaccinated.

The pharmacists at MediCenter Pharmacy can answer any questions you may have regarding the Hepatitis A vaccine. We are here for all of your health care needs.

You can also read more about Hepatitis A at


Jennifer McCoy is a pharmacist at MediCenter Pharmacy in Cape Girardeau.