Get early help for spinal stenosis

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Thursday, April 18, 2019

Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the spaces in your spine, which can put pressure on the nerves that travel through the spine.

Spinal stenosis occurs most often in the lower back and the neck. A patient may not experience any symptoms or they may experience pain to varying degrees as well as tingling, numbness or weakness.

The best way to treat spinal stenosis is to prevent it in the first place. How can you prevent spinal stenosis? Keep your spine mobile and flexible.

Stretching on a regular basis, keeping muscle tone and receiving chiropractic adjustments can all play a role in mobility and flexibility.

More mobility will equal less spinal pressure, which in turn will equal less stenosis. Chiropractic adjustments and stretching create more mobility.

What if you already have stenosis? Chiropractic care can still help.

After a thorough exam, a treatment plan will be created to improve your condition. This may involve some imaging tests to determine the location and severity of the spinal stenosis if these have not been done or haven’t been done for a long time.

Once the extent of the stenosis is known, chiropractic therapy will be recommended to build strength and endurance, maintain flexibility and stability, and improve your balance.

What happens if you wait? The condition will continue to progress. As it progresses, spinal stenosis can cause numbness and tingling down an arm, leg, hand or foot as well as weakness in a hand, arm, leg or foot. It can cause problems with balance and walking, neck pain, back pain and, in extreme cases, bowel and bladder dysfunction. After severe progression, the alternative of medications with side effects or surgery with its inherent risks are the end of the line options.

Can chiropractic care help spinal stenosis? Yes. It all starts with a consultation.

The time is now. The earlier you get help the better!

Dr. Gregory Pursley, DC is the owner of PC Wellness Centers.