Letter to the Editor

Pray for teachers, students

I grew up in a local church and it was my teachers, both in school and in Sunday school, that I credit for teaching me to respect others who may not respect me; it was my responsibility to win my enemy over. I owe much to those who struggled to teach me.

I pray without ceasing for our educators. Today’s difficulties appear insurmountable — the burdens others place on them seem unforgivable. With budget cuts and bullets, how can we expect success? Some parents tend to place responsibility solely on the schools to educate their children. Some schools tend to place responsibility solely on the parents to discipline their children. This country’s future is sitting in our classrooms and we’ve dropped the ball.

We are all constituents and we should all vote. It is our right to decline to use our voices at election time, but with the issues facing us today, it is important to recognize our civic duty and hold our representatives accountable by voting. When I see the likelihood of another higher education budget cut, I’m considering throwing my hat in the ring and becoming a politician. And I encourage everyone to do the same. Let’s ensure that our schools remain our priority. If a Bachelor of Science degree is worth less than the investment, then I want to see an increase in opportunities for men and women to learn necessary trades. Safe water, better roads, and this list goes on and on. Please pray without ceasing.

Mitch Bess, Cape Girardeau