Letter to the Editor

Treatments for mental health

Until mental health check-ups become just as standard as an annual physical, our society will continue to experience senseless violence, unbridled crime, broken marriages, self-destructive addictions, dysfunctional government, unproductive workplace -- the list could go on and on. Even some of our most common health problems are primarily rooted in our psychological/emotional well-being.

All around us, yes in our own homes, the "walking wounded" are either unaware or ashamed of accessing care that could be life changing. Would we tell someone they are "crazy" or "weak" for seeking diabetes care?

The average citizen is uninformed of major advances in mental health care that bridge the obvious yet hidden connection between the mind and the body. Despite limited funding and research, effective treatment does exist. Unfortunately, it is hard to find because it is not recognized as a vital part of our healthcare system.

Healthy societies are built on individuals who are physically, mentally and spiritually whole. It is our call to make mental health a priority.

DENISE E. ESSNER, Cape Girardeau