
Cape County, Jackson light displays are worth a drive through

Our area is blessed to have a couple of really nice, public drive-through festive Christmas light displays.

The more known display is in Cape County Park North, where small displays line the lake at the park. The displays offer visuals of the Nativity; some are meant to make you smile; and others are somber, memorials to loved ones lost. The Holiday of Lights exhibit began in 1987 with 11 displays. Now there are about 200. The lights will be on from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday through Thursday, and from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. on Friday and Saturdays through the end of the year.

In Jackson's City Park, the drive-through display has been around for 23 years, but the attraction has gained momentum as a city outreach board has organized and raised funds for an expanded light display. This year, 125 park trees will be lit, along with 75 displays, up from 63 last year. The lights in the Jackson City Park will be on from dusk until dawn through the end of the year.

This is a special treat to experience, especially on a chilly night. Grab some coffee or hot chocolate, turn on some Christmas music and drive through the parks to enjoy a few moments of festive serenity.
