Letter to the Editor

Support of Levi's charity

The grand opening of Levi's Adventure Trail was a huge success. I want to thank you for helping us get the word out. The photographs taken by Ben Matthews were fabulous and caught the perfect moments of the joy in the children's faces as they played.

I also want to say thank you Jon Rust, the Rust Family, the editorial board, editors, journalists, graphic artists and photographers of the Southeast Missourian for wonderful news coverage of Levi's Adventure Trail.

Your articles, editorials, and photographs have helped us build Levi's Adventure Trail and we know you supported this project since the day of Levi's death.

Though we cannot bring Levi back, raising money to build Levi's Adventure Trail has been an important part of our grieving journey. It has not been a lonely one because of people like you, who dug deep into your resources and supported Levi's Adventure Trail. Our success is due to the generosity of so many people, including the outpouring of love and support from friends, family and complete strangers who believed, just as we do, in this memorial project.

We, Levi's family and volunteers of Levi's Children's Charity, are forever grateful of your ongoing support. Please follow Levi's Children's Charity on Facebook for daily updates and future events.

VINEY MOSLEY, president of Levi's Children's Charity, Cape Girardeau