Saving CMS One Student At A Time

One of the various posters that has been placed around the school

A group of sixth grade explore students from CMS are participating in the Lexus Eco Challenge. The Lexus Eco Challenge is a group project where you have to find a problem and figure out how to then solve it. Not only is that required, you have to have a media outreach and a power point about what you did for the challenge. Our particular group found the problem of Central Middle School not recycling as much as possible, and not having enough recycling/trashcans in the first place. To solve that problem, we are having trashcans and recycling cans donated to put in various places around CMS where needed. Also we have put informative recycling posters around the hallways of our school to persuade people to help. So far, we have been successful for we had reported information from our explores teacher that Central middle School's recycling rates have gone up! In fact, the recycling dumpsters are even overflowing, meaning that so far our solution is running smoothly! Maybe it will even spread to the other schools making them recycle more too! Hopefully this keeps up throughout the various years to come!
