Letter to the Editor

Trump continues the campaign

Never in my lifetime was there ever another president who, not even a year into a first term, was already embarking on a campaign for a second term. It is especially surprising since Trump's prospects for being elected to a second term are quite blighted by his "performance" so far in his first term.

In my view, the only explanation for it lies not in his optimistic (albeit unrealistic) view of his political future, but rather in the free-and-easy laxity of the rules surrounding the disposition of unused campaign funds. I may be wrong, but I believe there is very little that Mr. Trump may NOT do with such funds, already being added to by his base, who miss no opportunity to demonstrate their capacity for being gulled by the master.

Just one final squeeze on the generous teat that the presidency has turned out to be for No. 45.

DONN S. MILLER, Tamms, Illinois