Meadow Heights School Board candidate Carl G. Burr

Name: Carl G Burr

Age: 59

Place of Birth: Farmington

Spouse, children's names

Carl J Burr , Daniel F Burr , Christopher L Burr Tonya Pfaff

Occupation: Teacher

Employer: Perry County High School District 32

Business owned, all or part

None , Did operate a business, closed it September 2016

Previous offices held or sought

School Board Member

What makes you the most qualified candidate for this position?

Have served on board prior year, Multiple training with MSBA, DESE

What do you see as the opportunities and challenges in the district?

Providing quality educational opportunities for our students, maintaining ongoing advancements in available technology resources to enhance student experience and growth in preparation for changing world applications.

What are your thoughts on a potential four-day school week?

We have explored the possibilities of utilizing a four day school week and found that for our district, It is not a good fit.

How will you communicate your work to your constituents?

Via phone contact, e-mail,personal contact

What are the factors on which you will base your decisions as a school board member?

The needs of our students, input from our community,DESE,School admistrators, changing needs in our workforce, improved teaching techniques, available school funding.
