Altenburg School Board candidate Amy Ussery

Name Amy Ussery

Age 39

Place of Birth St. Louis Missouri

Spouse, children's names

John Welker significant other

2 sons Charlie(14)and Robert(12)

Occupation: Pursuing Graduate Degree at Southeast Missouri State

Employer: Full time student

Business owned, all or part


Previous offices held or sought


What makes you the most qualified candidate for this position?

My education, teaching experience, and involvement and effective teaming are just three of the many important skills that make me qualified to serve on the school board. With 11+ years teaching experience in the public school system, I have an overall knowledge of how things go on a daily basis. As a parent educator and coach, I have had the opportunity to engage with others and experience teaming with families.

What do you see as the opportunities and challenges in the district?

The opportunities for a school are much dependent upon facing the challenges they are faced with. Bringing education and technology together is essential in keeping up with the high demands of the 21st century. Schools are already cash strapped, so the funding is a major challenge. This brings another challenge that isn't new, but more current and that is cyberbullying. These are just a few of the many challenges a district faces.

How will you communicate your work to your constituents?

I will seek information and ways to inform the community of the district progress through objective analysis of data. Play an active role in committee meeting and work sessions. Value difference of opinion and don't let differences degenerate into personality conflicts.

What are the factors on which you will base your decisions as a school board member?

I will base decisions, comments, and questions on objective data. Ensure that familial or business relationships don't contribute to a bias in decision. Ensure that the commitments and directives are in the best interest of the entire board and district and not the individual board member. discourage micromanagement or undermining of the superintendent.
