Letter to the Editor

Mo. Agricultural bills

I feel every land owner in Missouri will be interested in legislation related to eminent domain. This letter is to notify the citizens of Missouri about two House bills that were introduced by Rep. Nate Walker.

One is House Bill 640, planned to protect Missouri's agricultural land. This bill would demand responsible routing of utilities along property lines, boundary lines or section lines to minimize land damage and to protect Missouri citizens. It limits the amount of PSI exerted on our soil to save our land from being permanently compacted. It protects our property rights from those who would steal our land for their own profit.

House Bill 795 would discourage redundant infrastructure built only to satisfy corporate greed. The bill would also require utilities to upgrade their existing infrastructure instead of taking our land to build replacement. It protects Missouri citizens from eminent domain abuse, and requires condemner to acquire 60 percent of easements voluntarily before eminent domain can be used.

Our neighbor states have stronger property right protection than Missouri does, and some companies are using that to take advantage of us.

Please contact your state legislators and tell them to support these two bills. Make your voice heard and ask your family and friends to call or write also. Thanks for helping the Missouri agricultural industry.

Marilyn Pyse, Palmyra, Missouri