Letter to the Editor

Importance of skilled workers

Recently the Missouri Legislature passed and the Governor signed a right to work law. Additionally, the Southeast Missourian carried an article on Feb. 12 saying legislation has been introduced to repeal the Missouri prevailing wage law. The stated rationale for these actions is the belief that they will help to attract more jobs to Missouri.

"Area Development," a magazine for corporate planners and site selection consultants, asked executives what they consider when locating a new facility. Availability of skilled workers was the executives' primary consideration when choosing a place to locate their business. Right to work laws weren't in the top 10 answers.

A recent study conducted by the Department of Economics at the University of Missouri Kansas City considered the impact of the repeal of the prevailing wage law. It found that in the five years following a repeal of this statute Missouri workers, their families, and the state would lose between $1.6 billion and $2.4 billion.

Given the fact that skilled workers are the primary consideration when job creators pick a location for expansion, it is ironic that the most recent budget proposal for Missouri would cut $159 million from post-secondary education. Repeal of the prevailing wage law would reduce tax revenues thereby worsening the state's budget situation.

Instead of giving primary consideration to what Missouri actually needs, it appears that our legislature and governor are indulging in an act of conservative ideological purity. Our state deserves and needs better.

John Piepho, Cape Girardeau