Letter to the Editor

Why so many Republicans

In the last election over half of the voters in Missouri voted for Republicans and over two-thirds in the Cape Girardeau area did. I have thought about this long and hard, and I believe Republicans dominated in Southeast Missouri for three main reasons.

First, most people around here strongly oppose abortion. And since Democrats generally support freedom of choice, they lose. (This issue may become less of a factor in the future. A more conservative Supreme Court will probably emerge during the Trump Administration, and it will likely overturn Roe v Wade, thus making abortions illegal. Choice will no longer be an option.)

Second, many in this area oppose restrictions on gun ownership. And the Republicans favor fewer restrictions, as evidenced by their passage of the concealed-carry bill last session, even after it had been vetoed by the governor.

And third, most people in Southeast Missouri favor lower taxes and smaller government, and Republicans tend to lean in that direction more than Democrats. It's not cut and dried because many Republicans do push for pet projects or programs, but in general, Republicans vote to cut taxes, limit entitlements, and reign in government regulations more than Democrats.

Therefore, Democrats can either convert, curse, or cope, because the Republicans aren't going away anytime soon. They will soon be in charge locally, statewide, and nationally, and the next chance for change is years away.

Gary L. Gaines, Cape Girardeau