Letter to the Editor

Trump’s victory

Six major things happened to set the stage for a Trump victory:

Millennials wised up to the fact that Bernie was just a lure to get them to vote for the establishment. It was a dumb move and it failed.

Decades of empty promises to the black community and policies designed to keep minorities in a perpetual state of dependency has worn thin... hope and change was the last straw for many Christian black families.

NAFTA and the promise of TPP. This and the direct destruction left by NAFTA caused Michigan to go red. Michigan was key to this election.

When the Director of the FBI testified under oath before Trey Gowdy and affirmed the criminal conduct of Hillary Clinton, conduct that would land the average citizen in jail, and went on to state that the FBI would not be recommending prosecution...that was the moment that the average Joe came to realize that Hillary is not just a good ol’ gal from Arkansas fighting the good fight for the common man.

Trade union members have grown sick of their role as the submissive abused spouse from whom the Democrat Party demands respect, loyalty, money and votes. In return they get a punch in the mouth and a kiss on the ear. In unprecedented numbers, union members put their country ahead of their wallets.

Vern Davidson Jr., Jackson