Letter to the Editor

Black and blue

A reflection on the back-to-back murders of the past few days and how emblematic it is of the polarized and despairing current culture of America:

Black and blue

America's heart is black and blue, bruised and beaten from blows given by blinded, prideful (rhetoric? -- far from it) and hateful, despairing violence

Stand your ground

State your claim

No room for the center in the Black and Blue America

Yes, no

Right, wrong

For, against

With me, against me

Their problem, not mine

Our hearts are cold and stony

Our minds are closed and decided

Our words bite like steel

Faith is far removed, but still is ever present

Hope is just a glimmer, but still is shining

Love is a dying ember, but still is burning

Is there still a chance to turn towards these, before the black and blue heart of America stops its beating?

SAMUEL LOOS, Cape Girardeau