Letter to the Editor

Radical generosity

We were excited to see Cape Girardeau was ranked third-most generous town in the state and wanted to share some related information.

Some time ago, friends from various churches started meeting to study generosity. It has educated us tremendously on the Biblical aspects of generosity, has been eye-opening and enriching! In April, we attended the Generous Giving conference in California, and we were blown away by the radical generosity of others, and the incredible growth of the generosity "movement." It's exciting to hear how lives are being transformed by sharing more of the gifts God provides.

We have the capacity to change our world significantly. Last year, charitable contributions in America reached the highest value recorded to date -- $358 billion. Yet only 10 to 25 percent of church-goers tithe -- 80 percent give only 2 percent. Christians today give 2.5 percent (and gave 3.3 percent during the depression). If believers tithed, we could have $165 billion more: $25 billion could end starvation, $12 billion could eliminate illiteracy, $15 billion could provide clean water everywhere, $1 billion would fund all missionaries -- and we would still have $100 billion left!

It's not just financial gifts that matter -- time and talents are just as important. What suffering we could end if our gifts would be directed to these causes. Cape is special: We can set the example, and generosity is contagious! We can be the starting place for radical generosity. If you'd like to learn more, contact any of us. God's blessings and abundance to you!

Cheryl Mothes and Rick Hetzel, Mickey and Susan Roper, Jamie and Michelle Outman, John and Becky Harding, Rock and Judy Wilferth, Duc and Nicole Nguyen, Jimmy and Chrisy Wilferth

Cape Girardeau