Letter to the Editor

Gorilla outrage vs. abortion

I am appalled and dismayed at the same time at the hype surrounding the killing of Harambe the gorilla. How can anyone become so incensed over this and network news and the print media devote such coverage to it and all the while some 3,000 babies are aborted daily?

Since 1973, some 60 million infant lives have been taken. There is no outrage, no tears and the media coverage is absent. One third of women seeking and gaining an abortion have never been married, 37 percent are African-American and only 1 percent have been raped or are victims of incest. Additionally, America has the most liberal abortion laws in the world. More liberal than all European Nations.

Planned Parenthood has located 80 percent of their clinics in minority communities.

While Black Lives Matter, Blue Lives Matter and now Gorilla Lives Matter parade their signs and posters, infants die because their birth inconveniences someone.

When will Aborted Lives matter in America? It is time for our do-nothing Congress and President to do something about Roe vs Wade.

Pastor David McNeely, Scott City