Letter to the Editor

Congrats on Marquette coverage

Congratulations to Mark Bliss, Bridget Brown and the Missourian for your coverage of the Marquette Tech District story in Wednesday’s paper.

After the local television station hyped the potential story for a couple of days before the announcement, we were anxious to learn what kind of great new development was planned for Cape Girardeau. To our surprise and dismay, all we learned from the television’s 2 1/2 hours of news Tuesday evening was that people downtown were excited by the announcement. No details about exactly what that announcement included. No coverage of the news conference so we could hear from the principals what they have planned. So we had to wait for the Missourian to read those details.

It appears that this truly game-changing development could make Cape Girardeau a statewide or national hub for high-tech 21st-century jobs and businesses, as well as changing the downtown environment in such a positive fashion. As such, the story certainly deserved more attention than was paid by your “news competitors” across the street.

Thanks for giving us the details. As a former newspaper publisher, I am always glad to see print media do a much better job than the show-biz “news” folks of radio and television.

And just for the record, I’m glad to see Mark Bliss’ byline back on the pages of the Missourian. He’s a first-class reporter who knows the local territory and can separate the wheat from the chaff.

Again, thanks for a great job.

ART WALLHAUSEN, Cape Girardeau