New Salem United Methodist Women

The UMW met April 4 at 7 p.m. for an evening meeting, where all women of the church were invited.

Joyce Brewer called the meeting to order by all repeating the UMW Purpose. Eleven members and three visitors answered the roll call: "Tell your favorite April Fools trick or joke."

There were 11 Sick and Shut-In calls for the month of March.

Mrs. Brewer told about "Toxins A-Z" from an article out of the Response Magazine. She also has been using emails to contact missionaries through the Prayer Calendar.

Our unit hosted the Spring District meeting Saturday April 9. Guest speaker was the Rev. Peter Wehrly.

We are planning on making more prayer blankets in a few weeks.

Betty Hahs presented the program on "Be Merciful."

Betty Henry and Verla Mangels were hostesses.

Next meeting, May 2, will be at 1 p.m.
