Letter to the Editor

Fear out of proportion

Fear of terrorism has been dominating the national news. However, I suggest we consider a few facts. From Jan. 1 to Dec. 7, 2015, there were 10,471 homicides by firearms. Of these 19 were committed by Muslim terrorists. In other words, 99.82 percent of the shooting deaths in this country were the result of old-fashioned murder rather than terrorism. I think the country's level of expressed fear is utterly and completely out of proportion to the present danger.

In response to this, several of the candidates for president and present office holders are suggesting an increased military response. However, I think it would be well to consider a few historical precedents.

The war in Vietnam did not stop the communist takeover of the South. It contributed to the Khmer Rouge dictatorship in Cambodia and genocide, which resulted in over 1 million deaths. In Afghanistan, we supported the Mujahedeen, which lead to the Soviet withdrawal from the country, but also lead to the birth of al-Qaida. Our invasion of Iraq did not find weapons of mass destruction and helped to create the environment that gave birth to ISIS. In addition, we disbanded the Iraqi army, and some of the individuals who were officers in it have provided a good deal of the military prowess that so far has made ISIS a competent fighting organization.

Military action always has unintended consequences. Therefore, before we take any additional action in Syria and Iraq, we would do well to consider all possible outcomes.

John Piepho, Cape Girardeau