
Feed My Starving Children reaches astonishing level

Many who love the holiday season will say that among the reasons they enjoy it so much are the Christmas caroling and the workplace festivities. Not to be left off that list, though, is the spirit of giving that abounds at the end of every year.

The classic song calls this the "Most Wonderful Time of the Year." We know it is also one of the busiest times as we make gift lists, prepare to travel or host visiting family members. So when people make time to do good for others, it deserves recognition.

Thirty-six-hundred people had the opportunity to do just that. Feed My Starving Children once again took on the task of preparing meals to be distributed to 70 impoverished nations. As the Southeast Missourian recently reported, "Meals consist of high-protein dry goods including rice, soy nuggets and dehydrated vegetables and are valued at 22 cents each, or $203,500 worth of food for the Cape Girardeau event." With the help of volunteers, the organization set a goal of sending 925,000 nutritious meals to these countries.

Many applaud such noble efforts, but pulling off something like this requires more than applauding hands. It requires working hands. What is notable about this effort is though LaCroix Church is at the center of it, the congregation does not want the accolades. They see this for what it has become: a community event that is bigger than one church. Involved in this are other churches, people with no church affiliation at all, Southeast Missouri State University athletic teams and even children. It takes all hands on deck to put the pieces together to do good for those who are less fortunate.

We are inspired to see such love poured out on people who will never shake the hands of those who helped, will never even know the names of those who spent hours packing food to feed them. Thank you to all who have so sacrificially assisted. These volunteers are not looking for a "thank you"; they are just reaching out. And isn't that what this season is all about?
