Letter to the Editor

Abortion is of the devil

Question: If human body parts are so valuable to Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry, then why is the human person in the form of a baby not important at all?

Maybe money is more important than human life?

Maybe we have become a society that is so barbaric that we follow the devil's will and do not even know it?

After viewing the videos exposing Planned Parenthood, some things are very clear:

1. All the other issues combined into one does not come close to the pure evil of abortion.

2. Abortion is 100 percent demonic.

3. Politicians who support abortion are supporting the devil.

4. All voters who vote for these politicians are -- in turn -- supporting the devil and his ways.

If you do not agree, I urge you to watch the videos exposing Planned Parenthood.

Gerard L. Macke,

Leopold, Missouri