Letter to the Editor

Real change is needed

President Obama says we are numb to mass shootings. I disagree. Many hearts and families are hurting because of these tragedies. We aren't numb, but we are saddened. The problem is not guns. Guns don't kill people. People kill people. The sad truth is our morals are in decline. We don't respect life! We allow abortions, we make violent movies, we celebrate the alternative lifestyle and demand and criticize anyone who disagrees, we make agreements with countries who want to destroy us, and we turn our backs on countries that are our friends. We don't want the 10 commandments shown in public. No prayer in school and don't pray in Jesus' name! (It may offend someone.)

President Obama said the United States was the only country that sees these kinds of shootings. WRONG! Many people are being shot, beheaded, crucified because they don't agree with ISIS. Schools, churches and homes burned. It is time our nation wakes up. The silent majority is going to have more rights taken away if we don't let our leaders know how we feel. Do it for our children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews. Pray for our country and our leaders.

Thank you,