
Celebrating our dads on Father's Day

The best fathers are the best teachers.

They teach us how to throw a fastball, set a hook, tie our shoes, ride a bike.

They teach us right from wrong, good from bad.

They teach us humor and humility, discipline and decency.

If your dad taught you some of those things, and many more, be thankful. Those of us who still have our fathers around are fortunate. Not everyone is so lucky. Some don't have a father figure in their lives, and never did. Others may have lost their fathers much too early. Embrace your dads, folks. Don't take your fathers for granted. Especially today, tell them how much you appreciate them.

Good fathers, who set good examples for their children, are so important to our society.

We thank all the men out there who have raised or are raising their children the right way. Never forget that your children are watching you.

Happy Father's Day, all.
