Girl Scout Brownies Troop 70038 Book Drive

This past February, Girl Scout Brownies of Troop 70038 decided to host the "I love books" book drive as a community service project. It was important to show the girls they have the power to make a positive impact on our community, regardless of their age or size. All books were then sorted and donated to the Safe House for Women, Teen Challenge, and Hope Children's Home. It was the Brownies goal to share their love of reading within our community. The troop collected over 2,300 books. Onica Harris is the Troop leader of Troop 70038, this community service project was lead by leaders within the troop, Samantha Terry, Debbie Carter, and Erin Armitage. The troop has about 30 girls in the troop that includes Daisy's, Brownies, Juniors, and Cadettes. The Brownies have 13 girls, between the ages of 8-9 years old.

We first chose Hope Children's home because they wanted to share books with other children in our community, since we collected so many we were able to also donate to safe house and teen challenge.
