Candidate questionnaire: Kelly E. Waller

Kelly E. Waller

Name: Kelly E Waller

Age: 49

Place of birth: Jackson

Spouse, children's names: Spouse - Karen

Son - Kelvin

Daughter - Karissa

Daughter - Katie

Occupation: Insurance Agent American Family Insurance

Employer: Kelly Waller Insurance Agency

Businesses owned, all or part: Owned

Previous offices held or sought: None

What makes you the most qualified candidate for this position?:

Working with the Jackson R-2 Foundation for the past twelve years has given me the opportunity to work with the teachers and administrators of the District. Those opportunities have not only provided a better insight to the needs of the district, but also the day to day resources that our teachers need to continue to be successful. Those insights, along with my passion for Jackson makes me the best candidate to move the District forward.

What do you see as the opportunities and challenges in the district?:

With all due respect to other communities, I sincerely believe Jackson has some of the best educators in the state. I also understand that other Districts would love to have our educators. We face the constant challenge of retaining our best teachers every year. I want us to hire, support and retain the best educators to do what they do the best-teach. Because security remains a priority, I would like to see additional Resource Officers.

How will you communicate your work to your constituents?:

Clearly, there's an organizational structure in every district that needs to be followed and I intend to do just that. However, one of the many things I love about Jackson is our small town closeness. I want my constituents to feel comfortable speaking with me directly. I have no agenda to impose on them and I have no delusions of grandeur that I can do their job. I'm here to listen, learn and help.

What are the factors on which you will base your decisions as a school board member?:

I believe that I offer a common-sense approach to our board. With over 5000 students in the district, Board decisions must be made with the entire District in mind, rather than personal agendas. I will seek input and listen to the concerns and suggestions of educators and parents alike to make the most informed decisions possible. Ultimately, voters will decide which candidates share their passion and vision for the District. I ask for your vote!