Letter to the Editor

A void in leadership

In the Wednesday edition of the Southeast Missourian, the Sikeston Standard Democrat publisher, Michael Jensen, commented on the lack of our U.S. president's leadership during these terrorist attacks across the world's stage.

I don't know where Mr. Jensen has been over the past 10 or so years, but our country has not had any good leadership in a very long time. We have had and always will have terrorists living around and among us, and, unfortunately, many are our own U.S. citizens.

Sikeston, where you are publisher, only becomes newsworthy lately due to your city's high crime rate and lack of your own town's leadership.

My parents taught me that if you live in a glasshouse then don't throw stones. Missouri has its share of evil doers in and out of government, and one thing that we do agree on is that leadership is and always will be missing in action, even in Sikeston, Missouri.