Letter to the Editor

Let fire tax sunset

There is, yet again, another tax question on the Nov. 4 ballot. The city "proposes" that we continue the 1/8-cent tax that was sold to us as "going away after 10 years." The "tax and spend" bureaucrats are hoping you forgot that it was supposed to go away. I did not forget! Wouldn't it be nice for the city to actually do what they said they were going to do? Lower our taxes after 10 years. Instead they want to extend the tax for 21 more years! Boy, after 21 years, no one will remember the promises!

I would think after 10 years of an extra $2.4 million per year that most everything has been updated, salaries have been raised, pensions have been funded and maybe a large reserve fund has been saved. Maybe not. People need to realize that governments always grow, if unchecked. It is up to the taxpaying citizens to say no.

Citizens' wages are flat, the economy is stagnant and every necessity in life is much more expensive. Our city has grown by less than 3,000 people over this same 10-year period. I see no need to grow our budget. Surely our city government can get by on the extra $1.2 million that the permanent portion of the "fire" tax will bring in. And don't forget the casino money that was supposed to cure all our money needs. I urge people to vote "no" on the "proposition."

LINDA REUTZEL, Cape Girardeau