New Salem United Methodist Women

New Salem United Methodist Women met at the home of Jackie Kurre Sept. 3, 2014. Vice President, Mrs. Kurre led the unit in prayer and the UMW Purpose with 10 members present.

Roll call was answered by telling about our favorite fall activity.

There were 15 sick and shut-in calls for the month of August.

Joyce Brewer read about a missionary from the Oregon Conference.

Eight members attended the New McKendree meeting and luncheon Sept. 2 at Jackson.

As a unit we will donate $100.00 to the Festival of Sharing

We have chosen to give our 3rd quarter pledge to a child with cancer.

The new slate of officers were read and approved for 2015.

Joyce Brewer - President

Verla Mangels - Vice President

Karen McLane - Secretary

Margie Roberts- Reporter

Our next meeting on October 1 will be trip to Bald Knob Cross and have lunch at Giant City State Park in Illinois

We will be observing UMW Sunday at New Salem Sept. 14 with members of the unit helping with the service.

Verla Mangels led the Pledge Service.

Hostess, Jackie Kurre served refreshments after the meeting adjourned.
