Letter to the Editor

Too much divisive talk

Radio personality Glenn Beck in a recent cable television interview, expressed regret for having contributed to the widening gap between Democrats and Republicans. He cited calling the president a racist as an example of "stupid" things he had said. Another similar malicious claim holds that the president is a Muslim. Beck is not the only one engaging in this type of divisive rhetoric. Pundits from both the right and left do it every day, with devastating effect on our society. Truth and fact are not considerations in this apocalyptic fight to the death between radical thinkers on both sides. Egged on by entertainers, and irresponsible members of the news media, many Americans now have a poisoned attitude toward their elected officials. Even our churches, supposed sanctuaries for those wishing to escape the rhetoric, have become venues for political debate, all at the expense of national unity. Many of us have shunned political affiliation in disgust.

During times of profound crisis, such as the world wars, and the Great Depression, America's greatest asset was national unity. To be sure, after elections, political battles continued, but America came first despite a spattering of demagoguery here and there. Political hatred is out of control. We risk degenerating into a society such as we find in the Middle East or Eastern Europe, fighting over issues long forgotten, and replaced with pure hatred based on political labels. Mr. Beck is right. It is time to stop it.