Undiscovered treasure

Recently my husband and I drove down to Cape Girardeau from Lebanon, MO to attend the musical "Little Women" performed by Acting Out! The show was fantastic. I wish we had such a group at home.

Acting Out! is an amazing fledgling theater group in the Cape Girardeau, MO area. I have watched these dedicated performers for two years now, as they strive to carve out a professional theater for the people in the area. It's refreshing to see people of all ages given the opportunity to try their hand at performing.

Acting Out! operates on a thread-bare shoestring budget. It is because of their love of theater, determination and dedication that they manage to raise the funds needed to bring their performances to life beautifully. Most of us don't realize how expensive it is to put on a quality play or musical. Right now, monies from fund raisers and ticket sales are used to cover actual costs. The director and her staff put in their time without monitory compensation. They do this because they feel compelled to provide theater to the people in the Cape Girardeau and Jackson area.

I believe that Acting Out! is as yet an undiscovered treasure to most of the people in the area. With movie tickets now costing around $10.00, this live theater opportunity is a steal! Their latest production of "Little Women" was amazing. As I watched the performance with my husband, I felt the people on stage had a wealth of undiscovered talent.

Everyone starts somewhere. It's nice to have a place nearby for that to happen. Acting Out! offers that opportunity while also providing remarkable live theater. I hope word will spread so many more people will discover the awesome magic of watching live theater - right in their own back yard.
