New Salem United Methodist Women

President, Shirley Grebe called the July 2, 2014 meeting to order in the home of Goldie Hobeck by all repeating the UMW Pledge. Thirteen members answered roll call by telling their ages.

Eight Shut-In and Sick calls were reported for the month of June .

Joyce Brewer had the prayer calendar and we sent a birthday card to a missionary in Columbia,

We received a thank you card from the Susanna Wesley Center in East Prairie MO for the donation the unit made to them.

The New McKendree UMW unit has invited our unit to their General Meeting on Sept. 2

We will serve refreshments at Vacation Bible School July 7-11.

Jackie Kurre gave a report on the 4th of July.

We had a special surprise Birthday celebration for Goldie Hobeck by bringing her 90 pieces of 'something' to commemorate her 90th birthday.

We met in the home of Goldie Hobeck.
