Letter to the Editor

Bicycle on W a safety concern

Many things are legal but unwise. Riding bicycles on state route "W" is one of these.

Rolling hills, I'm sure, are a great form of exercise on a bicycle. However the mix of traffic on the road from Fruitland to the Pilot House is much too dangerous for all concerned. There are cars admittedly exceeding the speed limit; there are eighteen-wheelers mistakenly following their GPS trying to get to P&G; there are farmers going to their fields, construction trucks pulling wide-load trailers, and then there are bicyclists.

Fatal accidents can happen anytime, anywhere, but when a well intentioned bicyclist puts him/herself and the public at risk, something should be done to mitigate that risk.

Widening the road surface is in the planning stages. My only hope is it will be wide enough to include a bicycle lane or people will begin to realize that riding a bicycle on "W" is not a wise thing to do.