Letter to the Editor

Library taxes increased

I am writing in regard to the community center that was to be built in Jackson.

I refer to an article that appeared in the Southeast Missourian on Thursday, April 13, 2006.

It states both of the city's libraries would merge and be part of the community center. Also that a longtime Jackson couple, Shelby and Mildred Brown, who are now deceased, left their estate to provide funding to create and support the facility for historical purposes.

According to the article, the facility which would be similar to the Osage Centre, was to be built on SMMC owned land off Route D and Broadridge Street in Jackson.

Eight years later, we have no community center, and although Riverside Regional Library is in a more modern and more spacious location, it appears to operate separately from the city library.

Mayor Paul Sander emphasized city and county residents would not see changes in library tax rates after the merge.

I do not own my home. I am a renter. I have owned the same vehicle since 2006. In 2007, my library tax for the year was $8.39. In 2013, I paid $20.39.

Did I miss something? Can you shed some light?