Scott City Ward 4: Norman Brant

Norman Brandt

Name: Norman Brant

Age: 61

Place of birth: Cape Girardeau Mo.

Wife: Judy Brant

Children: Rebecca Daub; grandson, Cody Daub; Norman Brant Jr. and daughter-in-law Jennifer Brant.

Occupation: Highway Supertintendent

Employer: Scott County Highway Dept.

Businesses owned, all or part: None

Previous offices held or sought: Held the office of City Council

What is the most important issue facing Scott City? What can be done about it?:

I don't know if there is one single issue. As a city leader you have to have long range plans as well as the day to day issues to deal with. I know the southern exchange is one of the big items the city is dealing with. During the summer our city cemetery was in really bad shape, for lot of mowing and filling in the fresh graves. This needs to be address this year.

What in your background or education makes you qualified for this office?:

I graduated from The Scott City Highway School. Served several terms on the city council and have a good knowledge of the inter working of the city government.

Working with County Commissioner's with 1.5 million dollar highway dept. budget, has given me a lot of budgeting knowleage. But the biggest asset I have is I grew up in Scott City,lived here all my life and only want the best for the people of this city.

What infrastructure improvements would you like to see?:

Our water and sewer lines are old and need replace. A lot of the water meters are under water making it hard for the reader to make out the numbers. We need the new style of meter that can be read from a hand held machine that records the data. Our infrastructure is only going to get worse as it gets older. We need to start now to fix these problems.
