Letter to the Editor

What does postponement solve?

So the U.S. Postal Service postponed closure of the Cape Girardeau regional mail-processing center. What does that mean?

Since it (partially?) closed, mail to my home is delivered in the morning instead of afternoon. That's good. But all outgoing mail from my home mailbox or a blue postal drop box must be sent to St. Louis for sorting, even if I would live in a small town and send to my next-door neighbor. But this still should allow next-day delivery.

One of my jobs is with a health-care provider which requires local time vouchers for the week be in their Park Hills office by Monday. They have found vouchers mailed Friday afternoon in Cape Girardeau do not arrive in Park Hills by Monday.

What function is the Cape Girardeau regional processing center still performing now? What will be made better or worse by postponing the closing for two years?

Private sector bosses frequently try to keep a tight rein on payroll cost, especially during tough times. Perhaps there is a danger that some of our well-paid federal employees might get a personal dose of the effects of changing economic conditions and increased use of Internet.

FRED KELLER, Cape Girardeau