Letter to the Editor

No to right to work

Well, the politicians are at it again in Jefferson City. On the heels of a General Session in 2013 that failed to improve the lives and opportunities for working women and men, one of the first bills filed seeks to further undermine the standard of living so many Missourians strive for. House Republican Donna Lichtenegger, from my hometown of Jackson, has filed Right To Work For Less legislation for the lower chamber to consider in 2014. Such legislation is not pursued on behalf of the good, decent, hardworking, blue-collar constituents in or around the Jackson area, but by corporate robber barons such as the Koch Brothers and the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), who seek to further decimate what remains of American's Middle Class.

I know the good people of Jackson, Mo., do not want model legislation like this because I am among them every day. My kids go to school with their children, and my wife and I interact with other parents at football games, church and the local grocery store.

The people we see and talk to don't want to have their current situation jeopardized with a law that only serves the interest of the 1 percent. No, these men and women want the same thing we do -- a chance to help the next generation have more than us, to perform our daily labor with honor and dignity, and the chance to retire peacefully with financial stability. Right To Work For Less puts all of that at risk.