Letter to the Editor

Obama's free pass no more

The "Obama health care lie" that dominated two presidential elections not only betrayed millions of Americans but it was a backhanded slap across the face of the media. The press doesn't like being deceived, and they are finally pushing back.

President Bush was pounded mercilessly for his so-called "WMD lie" that preceded the Iraq War, but his entire presidency was under a constant attack by the liberal media.

Is it possible critics will finally shine a light on the many policy failures and scandals of President Obama?

Bush was hammered for Hurricane Katrina, the Abu Ghraib prison scandal, water boarding of terrorists, the Scooter Libby/Valerie Plame scandal, the Patriot Act and warrantless wiretapping, and the ties to Halliburton and Big Oil.

Obama, who was given a free pass for four years, has no shortage of scandals and policy failures: ATF's secret Fast-and-Furious program, IRS targeting of American citizens, the Libya conflict without Congressional approval, the Benghazi cover-up, multiple green energy bankruptcies (including Solyndra), NSA secret data mining of citizens' phone records and emails and the revelation of secret spying on TV and print journalists.

President Obama's five-year honeymoon with the media may be over. His approval rating is at an all-time low of 39 percent and he's lost the trust of the American people. The time to blame others is over. Americans finally will demand accountability and true government transparency.

Somewhere in Texas today, a retired George W. Bush may be wearing a justifiable smile.