Kota -The Great Escape - Travel Journal Part 3

Kota - The Great Escape Week 12 Aug. 28, 2013 Kota's adventures have made her thirsty! Where is Kota? Enter to win $50 and tickets to Discovery Playhouse.

Hello world, this trip has really been fun. After leaving the big beautiful watering hole I discovered an amazing long track with these long planks to walk on. Supper fun to trip trap across, just watch out for any lingering trolls! Today I really thought I hit the jack pot and would find other dinosaurs. I visited a spot way back off the highway with an old well and a pit with a covering over it that looked like a good place to find friends. Alas all I found was bones; it looks like whoever lived here has been gone for a long time, maybe millions of years! I moved on down the road by now I was getting quite thirsty. I saw water squirting right up out of the ground, how amazing is that! I stopped and had a big slurp. Ahh!!! How delicious. What is that up the road? Well it looks like more of those yellow "beasts." You guessed it they were all asleep too. I stopped at the big yard with a sign showing a red bird on it thinking at least the birds might want to play, but none showed up. I plodded on down the road and saw a big field that had these shiny birds landing and taking off. I was in luck! One of them was still resting when I arrived. I slipped on board and decided to try my luck hunting dinosaurs wherever this bird was taking flight to next.... To be continued.
