Letter to the Editor

No on HB 253 override

As John Q. Public sits in front of the TV and listens to the information that is being given to him in regard to House Bill 253 in the so-called "Grow America" ads, he is getting a dose of a multimillionaire devised and very much supported (to the tune of more than $2 million) bill that would help rich folks get richer and some large businesses pay less taxes.

There is no doubt this will push more of the tax burden on the middle class and would certainly affect the school funding for education of Missouri youth. If this veto is overridden, it would lower the state's top personal income tax rate to 5.5 percent from 6 percent and would lower the corporate tax rate by 3 percent, to 3.25 percent. It also would raise sales tax exemptions on prescription drugs and cut services for people with developmental disabilities.

It is the opinion of this writer that a no vote should be cast by the representatives. Please investigate this bill yourself, and contact your local representative about how you feel in regard to House Bill 253. He or she is supposed to be voting in the Legislature as his or her constituents want, not just along party lines that will court him/her favor with the lobbyists and others in the party.

R. DAVIS, Jackson