
Youth in Government

Learning can take different forms. Sometimes the most effective tool is through active participation. That's the opportunity students from six area schools had last month thanks to the Optimist Youth In Government Day.

The 28th annual event connected more than 50 students with local officials, giving them a look at aspects of city, county and federal government. The six schools included Central High School, Delta, Jackson, Notre Dame, Oak Ridge and Saxony.

Part of the day allowed students to participate as an official in a mock role. In Cape Girardeau, students served as members of the city council and were presented with real issues like urban deer hunting and a noise ordinance.

Hats off to the Optimist Clubs for hosting this event. For these students this is an important experience. They can gain a broader understanding of the issues at hand and how the government process works. Additionally, Youth in Government Day can inspire community involvement.

It's our hope that the students realized the importance of taking an active role in their community and that this experience provided insight and inspiration.
