Meet Annabelle, winner in our Cutest Kid Contest

Annabelle (Photo by Laura Simon Shot on location at Cape County Park North)

Full name: Annabelle "Annie" Elizabeth Duffield

Birthday and age: Oct. 6, 2003 -- she's 9 years old

Family: Parents Sara and Joey, grandparents Dennis and Jane Lambert

Lives in: Benton, Mo.

Annabelle's favorite thing to do is ...

go to church, play softball, play with animals, play with my cousin and play with my dolls.

She laughs when ...

Poppy Lambert laughs funny (heh, heh, heh!!!)

She hates it when ...

it storms.

When she grows up, she wants to ...

own a rock coloring business.

She is learning ...

multiplication facts and four square writing.

Annabelle is known for ...

her cute freckles, being a lefty and her athletic abilities.