Letter to the Editor

Contrasting view on taxes

In an article published in the April 5 Southeast Missourian, a member of the tea party was quoted as saying, "Every time there's a tax increase, it's taking away some more of our freedoms."

A contrasting point of view was expressed by Oliver Wendell Holmes, a Supreme Court Justice appointed by the Republican President Theodore Roosevelt.

Justice Holmes said, "Taxes are what we pay for civilized society."

The Preamble of the Constitution indicates that the government is established to provide for such things as the common defense, justice, the blessings of liberty and the general welfare. Our rights and liberty do not exist in a vacuum. We would not have them if we did not have police and courts which follow the law. Our nation's defense rests upon its armed forces. The general welfare is dependent upon a quality system of public education and the enforcement of laws such as the Uniform Commercial Code, which sets the ground rules for our private business transactions. We also expect our government to provide services such as fire protection and usable public roads. All of these types of benefits cost money and taxes are needed to provide the necessary funds.

We also should remember that Cape Girardeau benefits from approximately $45 million of state money that funds our university, and, in addition, the farmers in this county receive approximately $5.2 million a year in subsidies.

I would suggest Justice Holmes' point carries the most weight.

JOHN PIEPHO, Cape Girardeau