Wedding workout

Does your strapless wedding gown have you worried about arm jiggle? Try these exercises to get your arms, back and shoulders toned for the big day.

Scott Hubbard of Training Edge Fitness in Cape Girardeau says most of his clients are women, and he's helped plenty of brides get fit before their wedding. For results, you'll want to start at least six months before the big day, he says. For each of the exercises below, do three sets of 10 to 15 reps, and repeat three or four times each week.

Tricep kickbacks

Focus: Triceps

Bend forward at the waist, keeping your back straight and using an exercise ball for support if desired. Bend at the elbows, keeping your arms close to the body. Straighten arms as you press the weight back. Repeat.

Lateral raises

Focus: Shoulders

Stand with your arms straight at your side. Keeping a slight bend in the elbows, bring the weights out and up to shoulder level, so arms are parallel to the floor.

Front raises

Focus: Shoulders

Stand with your arms straight at your side. Keep a neutral grip on the weights and bring them straight forward, raising to shoulder level.


Focus: Upper back and shoulders

Stand with arms straight at your side. Keep your torso straight as you press back with the weights.

Arm curls

Focus: Biceps

Start with arms down at your side. As you bring the weights up and forward, twist slightly, ending with your pinkie fingers toward your shoulders.

T-Tapp Butterflies

This move combines all three target areas, and also balances the muscles on both sides of your spine. Repeat Parts 1 through 3 for a total of eight repetitions, then shake out your arms.

Part 1: Stand with knees bent and turned out, shoulders back and butt tucked under. Extend your arms out at shoulder level with palms up and thumbs pointing back as far as you can. Reach away with your hands like someone is pulling your arms. Now, without bending your elbows, move your arms up and down approximately six inches for a total of eight repetitions. Proceed to Part 2 without stopping.

Part 2: Keep your shoulders back as you butterfly your arms a bit bigger. Lift your extended arms (keep reaching away) up and down from your shoulder to your waist for a total of eight repetitions (two counts each). Focus on keeping your body in alignment, and control your arm movement without momentum. Proceed to Part 3 without stopping.

Part 3: Continue to butterfly your arms all the way down until your hands are beside your body (counts one and two) and all the way back up until they are level with your shoulders (counts three and four). Press your chest forward and pull your shoulders back while lifting ribs as you reach down to the sides of your body. Turn your thumbs back as far as you can each time you reach down.

Source: Teresa Tapp, president of T-Tapp Inc. and creator of the T-Tapp Workout

Bonus tips

* Sit on an exercise ball as you lift weights -- this will further engage the core as you move.

* If possible, lift weights in front of a mirror so you can make sure your back is straight.

* As for the weight amount: You should feel challenged, but still able to complete a full set of exercises with the weight you choose. Five-pound weights are a good place to start, but everyone is different.

* Remember, you must be consistent in order to see results.

Scott Hubbard, Training Edge Fitness