Letter to the Editor

GOP vs. Obama

Every Republican wants to know: Why is President Obama campaigning and not "wheeling and dealing" with them in the Senate and Congress?

Well, the answer is simple: He has given up on them. He has concluded that as far as Republicans are concerned, it is all about "him," and nothing to do with whatever he stands for. Their hate for him is so deep that even they are not conscious of it; only their actions, inaction and words reflect it. Deep-rooted prejudice of one kind or another, which they have not been able to transcend, weighs them down. They cloak their behavior in lofty ideals of patriotism, future of our children, the need to reduce the deficit, etc.

Just listen to the vitriol spewed daily by right-wing radio talk-show hosts who accurately reflect the thinking of Republicans across the board. If there is one Republican who disagrees with these demagogues, let him or her stand up to them. It is not fear that makes them not protest; it is that they see these guys as their spokespersons.

If Republicans truly worry about the future of this country, they should search their souls, give up their hate for the president, discard their prejudices, set aside their outmoded ideologies, accept the realities of modern America, and work with the president instead of giving him the impression that they just hate him. They should keep the welfare of the people and the country in mind when they act or decide not to act.

K.P.S. KAMATH, Cape Girardeau