Good Samaritan: DORTHA STRACK

Dortha Strack deserves recognition as a faithful volunteer. 4-H leader 49 years, advisor on SEMO District Fair Board, Fair 4-H director, taught Sunday School 47 years, and works at elections. She has been active in projects for Diabetes, Safe House, Teen Challenge, Autism, FISH, etc. She goes into the community to give programs to schools nursing homes and organizations. She is a 60 year member of Kage FCE.

She has worked at Sunny Hill Gardens 42 years, participates in a weekly radio show, holds workshops for small children one Saturday each month. Gardening is her hobby and she loves sharing her produce.

Her dream came true in 2001 when she organized a 4-H Day Camp, "Dortha's Clover Kid's Camp", for children 5 to 8 years old.

She is always ready with food and condolences when necessary.

Dortha is an exceptional leader, role model, and truly an asset to her community.