Letter to the Editor

Coverage for preventive care

The following letter to the editor was sent in response to the letter "Cook's reaction to court decision":I was asked by the Missourian to comment on the Supreme Court ruling upholding the Affordable Care Act. I mentioned that this ruling saved my husband and me $2,000 for the colonoscopy he has scheduled. A reader has asked how we came to that figure. We have a high deductible health insurance policy. We would have paid the $2,000 cost entirely out of our pockets. Because the Affordable Care Act requires insurers to pay for preventive care, our insurer will pay the full amount regardless of our deductible. This saves us money in the short run and saves the insurer money in the long run by preventing preventable diseases.

We both had shingles vaccine shots when we turned 60. Again, because of the act, the insurer paid the full price. This is true even for folks with low deductibles. Preventive care is paid by the insurer without any co-pay.

The more you learn about ‘ObamaCare' the more you like it.

BEKKI COOK, Cape Girardeau