Cape Girardeau ADHD Support Group to Meet May 19th

The Cape Girardeau Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Support Group will hold its kick-off meeting May 19th from 1-3pm at the Cape Girardeau Public Library Oscar Hirsch room. The support group is for people with ADHD and others affected by it.

This first meeting will provide an opportunity to get to know each other, discuss the needs and interests of group members, and share information, all within a non-judgemental and mutually supportive environment.

There will be ADHD informational handouts available from the National Resource Center on AD/HD (A program of Children and Adults with Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder - CHADD).

For further information please contact Terry Kinder by phone, 573-200-6585 or email at
