Good Samaritan: Mr. Ralph Hoehn and Mr. Larry Hull

The African Methodist Church Cemetary near Old Appleton had fallen into disrepair. Serveral storms had downed large trees, and the weeds were waist-high. Several people in the area were making plans for a clean-up day, and contacting others to get more help. It was a BIG job. We had contacted Ralph Hoehn of Uniontown who is an experienced logger, and planned to ask Larry Hull of Old Appleton to bring in heavy equipment to move the large trees. On the last weekend of February, unbeknownst to anyone, these gentlemen got together at the site and did all the work themselves. The trees were cut-up and hauled off, the weeds were cut down, and the grass was mowed. Mr. Hoehn and Mr. Hull are to be commended for their unselfish donation of precious time, fuel, and energy and deserve much credit for preserving the dignity of this historic cemetary.