Letter to the Editor

Jackson residents have a choice

On quarry annexation, Jackson residents have a choice to make. You can vote with the Jackson Board of Aldermen, which is only looking at money and not the well-being of a school and numerous people living near the quarries, or you can vote no on the annexation and let people living next to the quarries have some say in how this affects them.

The board of aldermen stated it would provide absolutely no oversight of the quarries. Gene Penzel wrote that a lack of zoning in the county means there is no problem with doing this. Just because something has no ordinance against it does not make it right or ethical. Rezoning the quarries and the surrounding land heavy industrial gives them carte blanche to do anything they want in the future, with no oversight. This would never be allowed within the city limits.

The narrow corridor of highway right of way Jackson annexed that connects to the quarry violated state law. The aldermen knew this and annexed it anyway. They say the law is unconstitutional, yet never challenged it, just ignored it. Would they let you ignore laws you feel are unconstitutional?

Even the Jackson Planning and Zoning Commission had legal concerns about the current annexation plan but did not reverse its recommendation. This important vote should send a message to your aldermen that they must adhere to the law and get back to growing Jackson in a safe, responsible and ethical manner. Let your voice be heard and vote no on the annexation.